Once again our community is collecting school supplies for Cople Elementary. The suggested list includes: yellow highlighters, glue sticks, speckled composition books, folders, colored pencils, #2 pencils and pencil top erasers, crayons, blunt-tip Fiscar scissors, pencil pouches, post-it notes. Additional needs are tissues, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, small-sized underwear, and socks. PLEASE, no notebook paper or pens; they are not used at the primary level.
If you wish to participate but are unable to shop, cash donations may be made to Jane Herron or Teresa Edwards. Collection boxes will be at the clubhouse.
For further information, call Jane Herron. 804-761-4561
posted 08.01.23
Update from Jane Herron 08.18.23
Many thanks to those of you who donated money and school supplies for the children at Cople Elementary. I delivered the items yesterday and the school personnel was most appreciative. We live in a very generous community.