The Picnic Pavilion

The Picnic Pavilion

(located behind the clubhouse at 751 Glebe Harbor Drive, behind the entrance to the swimming pool.)

Hours of Operation: Regular hours of operation for the Picnic Pavilion and areas are 10:00 AM-8:00 PM daily. The Picnic Pavilion is available on a first come, first served basis unless reserved by an Owner for his or her family’s exclusive private use. Extended hours of operation, 8:00 PM-12:00 Midnight may be granted at the discretion of the Property Manager. The Picnic Pavilion may not be used during the hours 12:00 Midnight through 10:00 AM.

Open Fires Prohibited: Open fires are prohibited at all times. Charcoal, gas or petroleum/alcohol cookers may be used at the pavilion but must be kept on the concrete pad. No fire, even in a contained cooker, is permitted at locations without a pad.

Private Party at Picnic Pavilion: Property owners who desire to hold a private event in the Picnic Pavilion may rent the facility.  Rental applications and fees are available on the GHCPA web site. ( and are established in the Rental and Group Use Fees for GH-CP Sanitary District Facilities.