June and July Pool News

We had a great turnout for the Howl at the Moon; games, great food, and karaoke were enjoyed by all. Our next Howl will be on July 20th from 6 -10 PM.  Three Sisters Food Truck will be here so mark your calendars.

The pool will operate on holiday hours on July 4th, 5th, and 6th – 10 AM to 8 PM. We are expecting large numbers so remember safety is a priority; no glass containers. Parking will be available on the grass on the side of the tennis courts.  Please be mindful that rafts and water guns may not be permitted based on the number of individuals in the pool. We will be operating with a full staff of lifeguards; please be sure to thank them for working the holiday weekend for your enjoyment.  Christy Beamer (our pool manager) and Bill Spencer (our facilities director) have been hard at work. Please check out the new pegboard for life jackets and storage area for pool toys.  Also, the new floor mats in the restroom have been installed for your safety.  Be sure to introduce yourself to our life guard crew and assist them by following the rules and being considerate of others using the pool facilities.

The Pool now has its own phone number -804-603-1541.

Access cards are required to enter the pool so don’t forget them.  Pool rules and information about exercise classes can be found at The Pool | Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point (gh-cp.org).  We now require an emergency contact form to be completed by all users of the pool; to save time please complete online prior to coming to the pool.  Use the QR code (below) to access the emergency contact form.

We will have a cookout and sundae party on Saturday July 6 from 1-3, hots, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chips, water and ice cream sundaes will be served. Volunteers needed for grilling and serving.

Please remember to bring cash for concessions as we do not accept credit cards.

Thanks to all those who worked so hard on getting the pool ready.  The season thus far has been a great and safe success.





posted 06.27.24