Background on the Creation of the Glebe Harbor-Cabin Point Sanitary District
In early 2013, an engineering study of beach erosion and shoaling of creeks in both Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point recommends dredging, beach replenishment, and infrastructure improvements to keep the waterways open, maintain the beaches, and reduce the potential for damage from future storms. The estimated cost of these recommendations is $560,000, well beyond the capability of the voluntary GH-CP Property Owners Association (POA)
In August 2013 the members of the POA vote to investigate setting up a special taxing district for dredging and shoreline management.
In December 2013 the membership authorizes the board to proceed with Phase 1of the recommended dredging plan using $80,000 in Association funds and borrowing another $80,000.
In January, 2014, the Association formally requests the Board of Supervisors establish a Special Service District to include dredging and shoreline management issues only. The County BoS decision to consider such a proposal only if boat ramps are included, and the potential impact on property owners of the ad valorem tax method that is used for Special Service Districts, lead to consideration of other options. Discussions within the POA and with County officials continue throughout 2014.
In August, 2014, working groups are established within the POA to pursue options.
October 18, 2014 The POA holds a special meeting of its members to discuss results of the survey.
October 25, 2014 The POA hosts a Community Meeting open to all property owners to discuss the survey and the options discussed in the survey cover letter.
Throughout the Fall, discussions with county officials, working group leaders, POA board members and others continue. The survey remains open to gather as much data as possible. Survey results are posted on the County web site and the link is emailed to all respondents who requested the results and provided email addresses.
December 6, 2014, The members of the Association vote overwhelmingly (106-1) to pursue creating a Sanitary District that would include the beaches, waterways, boat ramps and all other POA amenities, including the clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis courts, and playgrounds. This option had been described in the October survey cover letter and discussed in both October property owner meetings.
December 2014 – January 2015. County officials and POA officials work with VA State officials to propose legislation to grant Westmoreland County unique authority to establish special taxing districts to address dredging and shoreline management, along with other recreational activities, and to provide authority to establish different user fees for unimproved and improved lots. Legislation passes the Senate without the provisions for different fees and narrowly fails in the House.
Throughout 2015, efforts were directed to establish the Sanitary District through petition to the Westmoreland County Circuit Court. The required Petition to the Circuit Court and supporting documentation are drafted in consultation with property owners, County officials, and legal counsel.
August 29, 2015 – Petition to establish the Sanitary District is presented to the POA membership and signature collection begins.
September 12, 2015 – A second Open House for all property owners is held at the clubhouse to report progress on establishing the Sanitary District and answer questions, followed by a cook-out at the pool.
November 23, 2015 – The Petition to establish the Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point Sanitary District is filed with the Court
January, 2016: Court schedules a public hearing on the Petition for May 3, 2016. Notice of the petition and the upcoming Public Hearing is published in the Westmoreland News during February and March 2016, as directed by the Court.
May 3, 2016: Court holds a public hearing on the creation of the proposed Sanitary District –
May 4, 2016: Court Approves the Petition, creating the Sanitary District
June 13, 2016: Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors (BoS), at its monthly meeting, accepts the Court order to establish a Sanitary District. BoS is also provided with a proposed Sanitary District budget and Recreation User Fee for County Fiscal Year 2016-2017 and sets July 16 as the date for a public hearing on the proposed budget and Recreation User Fee.
Legal Notice of the upcoming Public Hearing on the SD budget is published in the Westmoreland News
July 16, 2016: BoS holds a public hearing at the GH-CP POA Clubhouse to receive public comment on the proposed budget and user fee.
August 8, 2016 BoS Approves the GH-CP Sanitary District budget and Recreation User Fee for the County Fiscal Year 2016-2017.
Real Estate tax bills are issued in September 2016 and include the Recreation User Fee.
December 5, 2016 County collects tax receipts from the Recreation User Fee in conjunction with collection of real estate taxes, thereby generating funds for the GH-CP Sanitary District.
December 12, 2016 GH-CP POA Board of Directors enters into discussions with Westmoreland County BoS to lease certain recreational facilities and assets to the GH-CP Saniraty District and to become the management agent for the GH-CP Sanitary District. County BoS issued an appropriation funding the GH-CP Sanitary District for County fiscal year 2016-2017.
May1, 2017 The Lease Agreement and the Management Agreement become effective and the GH-CP Sanitary District is operational.