Glebe Harbor Boat Ramp
(Located off Osprey Drive in Glebe Harbor)
The GH boat ramp was been damaged by erosion but has now been completely rebuilt.
Cabin Point Boat Ramp
(Located off Anchorage Drive at the end of Boat Ramp Road in Cabin Point)
Fresh water and a hose are provided for rinsing salt water from boats and trailers. Toilet facilities are available.
Access: Owners and lessees intending to use the boat ramps may request access decals for their boat trailers on the Property Owner Information Form or by contacting the GHCPA office. Decals should be displayed on the driver’s side of the tongue of any trailer parked at either ramp. Owners and lessees who want to invite household guests to use the ramps may request a temporary pass from the GHCPA office.
Hours of Operation: Both boat ramps are always accessible. However, neither ramp is lit for use after dark. Users should plan accordingly, and plan to use the ramps during daylight hours. Property owners may use either boat ramp.
No Swimming: Swimming at the boat ramps and jumping or diving from the piers is prohibited.
No Wake Zones. Boaters should use caution at the boat ramps and at all other times and reduce their speed and boat wake while in local creeks. All of the community creeks are no wake zones.
No Obstruction: Boats cannot be moored or anchored in a position which interferes at any time with the use of the ramp by others. All vehicles and boat trailers must be parked so as not to obstruct or block other users.
Overnight Parking: Boats, trailers, or other vehicles may not be parked at the ramps overnight.
Emergency Community Access: The GHCPA Board may, when severe or unexpected weather conditions occur, open these boat ramps for temporary use by the general public.
PLEASE PROTECT OUR BOAT RAMPS Our ramps are not designed to withstand the force generated by the practice of “power loading” – a term used to describe using the motor to load and unload the boat onto and off the trailer. The propeller wash created by power loading contributes to erosion of the creek bottom and wash out under the boat ramp. Please use your winch to load and unload your boat. If you need to use any power to move the boat onto your trailer, use only slightly more than idle speed. Let’s do all we can to ensure the boat ramp facilities we have are maintained in good working order.
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