The Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point Association is organized as a nonstock, nonprofit Virginia corporation, and owns the recreational facilities and assets located in the two subdivisions. Under the GH-CP Sanitary District, our assets are leased to the Westmoreland County, but under our Lease and Management agreements, the Association Board of Directors operates them for the benefit of all property owners. (Legally, the Association is a social club and not a property owners’ association.) As a property owner, you are a member of the Association and have the opportunity to have a voice in how the facilities are managed, vote on matters brought before the membership, to stand for election to the Board of Directors, and to serve on committees.
Contact List of Board Members:
Board Position/
Name |
Fred Selby |
| |
Jack O’Neil | |
Vice President for Planning
Jeanne Axtell |
| |
Barbara Cole | |
Connie Sirbaugh |
| |
Facilities Director
Bill Spencer | |
Directors at Large: | |||
Scott Synnott | | ||
James (Mike) Berry | | ||
Rebecca Skinner | |
GHCP Association Board Meetings are held at the Clubhouse generally on the second Monday of each month beginning at 7pm. Each meeting starts with an open community concerns session. Owners are welcome to bring suggestions and questions to the open community forum and to stay to observe the full board meeting. Highlights of Board meetings are posted under NEWS on our webs site.
General Membership Meetings are held three times a year usually in the spring (April to June), late summer (August), and late fall (December) at the Clubhouse on a Saturday morning. beginning at 9:30am. Community meetings will be announced through email, regular mail (for those who opt out of email communication), and the Association website. The meetings are your opportunity to express your views and participate actively in the governance of our community.