GLEBE HARBOR – CABIN POINT ASSOCIATION, INC. 751 GLEBE HARBOR DRIVE, MONTROSS, VA 22520 phone: 804-472-3646 email: website:
Welcome to our Community! This letter will tell you a bit about us, the community recreational facilities we enjoy, and provide you with key contact information as you settle into life in Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point!
Our Community. By owning property in the Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point subdivisions, you are a member of the GHCP Association (the Association) and a resident within the GH-CP Sanitary District (the Sanitary District). The Association, organized as a nonstock, nonprofit Virginia corporation, owns the recreational facilities and assets located in the two subdivisions and operates them for the benefit and use of all property owners. We are tax exempt as a 501 (c) (7) social club. We are not a homeowners’ association nor a property owners’ association. All property owners in the Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point subdivisions are members of the Association and, as residents within the Sanitary District, are entitled to use our recreational amenities.
In the past, use of Association recreational facilities was restricted to owners who paid voluntary annual dues to support them. To assure sufficient revenue to sustain recreational opportunities in the community, a group of citizens within Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point sought establishment of a special taxing district through the Westmoreland County Circuit Court. The petition was granted, and the GH-CP Sanitary District was formed in 2016 and established as a separate fund in Westmoreland County.
Restrictive Covenants. As a property owner in Glebe Harbor or Cabin Point, your lot/property/home is subject to restrictive covenants that “run with the land”, meaning they are part of the original deed for your property. By acquiring property in this community, each lot owner assumes responsibility for maintaining their property in compliance with the applicable covenants. The covenants are enforceable by any lot owner living within the same section of Glebe Harbor or Cabin Point where your property is located. Usually, you will receive a copy of the restrictive covenants pertinent to your property at time of settlement. In case you did not receive them, attached is a full set of the covenants that apply to property within Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point. For property owners in Glebe Harbor, the restrictive covenants for all sections and lots are identical. For Cabin Point, you will need to check your settlement papers for the section and lot number of your property and then refer to the chart to find the covenants that apply to your property.
The GH-CP Sanitary District is a special taxing district for the Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point communities. It was created to preserve, to protect, and to perpetuate recreational opportunities in the community, including the operation of existing facilities and the protection and preservation of the community’s waterways, beaches, and shorelines. The Association leases its recreational facilities and assets to Westmoreland County and the GH-CP Sanitary District is responsible for their maintenance and operation. Under Agreement with the County, the GHCP Association Board of Directors serves as the day-to-day manager for the recreational facilities and assets of the GH-CP Sanitary District. The County assesses and collects an annual Recreational User Fee (RUF) on each lot in the GH-CP community to provide funding for the Sanitary District. Having a steady revenue source allows the recreational facilities and amenities to be well-managed and well-maintained, thereby supporting the value of all properties in the community. For the current fiscal year, the RUF is $225.00 per lot per year and that entitles you, the members of your household, and guests to use the recreational facilities and amenities. The RUF is paid along with your annual real estate tax bill.
Our Community is Powered by Volunteers: While the GH-CP Sanitary District is governed by the Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, it is the GHCP Association Board of Directors and community members that manage, operate, and maintain the recreational facilities on a day-to-day basis for the benefit and use of all property owners. As a property owner, you have the opportunity to have a voice in how the facilities are managed; to contribute time as a volunteer; to vote on matters brought before the membership; to stand for election to the Board of Directors; and to serve on Committees.
Board Meetings are held at the Clubhouse generally on the second Monday of each month beginning at 7pm. Each meeting starts with an open community concerns session. Owners are welcome to bring suggestions and questions to the open community forum and to stay to observe the full board meeting.
General Membership Meetings are held three times a year usually in the spring (April to June), late summer (August), and late fall (December) at the Clubhouse on a Saturday morning beginning at 9:30am. These community meetings will be announced through email, regular mail (for those who opt out of email communication), and the Association website. The meetings are your opportunity to express your views and participate actively in the governance of the Association.
Recreational Facilities. The recreational facilities include the:
- Beautifully maintained swimming pool & wading pool.
- Navigable community creeks.
- Sand beaches suitable for picnicking and fishing.
- Boat ramps for access to community creeks and the open waters of the Lower Machodoc Creek and the Potomac River.
- Clubhouse outfitted for meetings, social events, games, and general “get-togethers”.
- Picnic pavilion.
- Playground and basketball court.
- Tennis/Pickleball courts.
Owners may rent the clubhouse or the picnic pavilion for private parties. Details and reservation forms are on our web site ( under the General Information & Forms tab.
Community Maps. Maps of the Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point subdivisions are available online on our website under the About Us tab.
Access Cards: Because our recreational facilities are solely for the use of property owners, household members, and guests, you’ll need to have facility access cards with you when you use the facilities. To obtain your access cards, please complete and return a Property Owner Information Form to the GHCP Association office which is located at 751 Glebe Harbor Drive, the Clubhouse. Up to four cards will be issued to each property. We ask that these cards be carefully controlled by you and not shared with unauthorized users. The Property Owner Information Form is on the web site, under the General Information & Forms tab.
Owner Leases: Property owners may enter into private, contractual arrangements to rent or lease their residence or unimproved lot and the accompanying access rights to a non-property owner who wants to use the Sanitary District facilities. The access rights run with the property and cannot be separated from the property. If the property owner executes a legal agreement to lease their residence or lot, then the access rights of that property convey to the lessee for the term of the agreement. Each lot is limited to a single lease. The Leased Property Information Form is available on our web site, under the General Information & Forms tab.
Recreational Facility Rules. The rules for the use of recreational facilities are developed, with community input, by the Association Board of Directors as the elected representatives of the community. The rules are reviewed and approved by the County Administrator acting on behalf of GH-CP Sanitary District. You may find the current rules on our web site, under the Sanitary District tab.
Association-Sponsored Social Activities. The GHCP Association schedules and manages a variety of open-use social activities and events that are hosted or sponsored by volunteers in the GHCP community. Most of these activities and events are open to all property owners on a first-come, first-served basis at no charge. Special events, such as themed parties or catered events, are open to all property owners on a first-come, first-served basis but a fee is charged to cover the costs of providing the event. Additional information regarding social activities and events may be found on the website.
For more information:
- Please fill out and return your Property Owner Information form (on the website under the General Information and Forms tab) and include your email address. We use email sparingly to communicate matters of interest. We will not pester you with lots of emails!
- Visit our web site, Lots of current information & history is available there.
- Visit the Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point Sanitary District Page on the Westmoreland County web site, under the Resources tab.
- Email your comments, questions, and suggestions to
- Call the office at 804-472-3646. The office is staffed by volunteers and our part-time office manager, Teresa Edwards. Hours vary, but leave a message and we will return your call.
- Some members also use Nextdoor :
- You will also find information about the community on Facebook –Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point, and Facebook—GHCP Yard Sale.
- You are welcome to contact any board member with questions or suggestions.
- And please let us know if you change your email address, home address, or lease your property, so that we can keep you and our records up to date.
We look forward to meeting you in the coming weeks and hope that you become involved in the life of the community, contributing your ideas and suggestions and volunteering your time to sustain Glebe Harbor -Cabin Point as an enjoyable waterfront and water access community.
Fred Selby
President, Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point Association, Inc.
On behalf of the GHCP Association Board of Directors
GHCP Association Board of Directors and Officers as of 6-12-2023
President – Fred Selby 703-283-0075
Vice President – Jack O’Neil 804-472-2849 571-274-1258 (cell)
Vice President for Planning – Jeanne Axtell 804-472-4639 703-282-2544 (cell)
Secretary – Barbara Cole 804-472-2178 703-568-7275 (cell)
Treasurer– Connie Sirbaugh 240-561-6311
Facilities Director –Bill Spencer 443-540-0413
Waterways Director – Deborah Dever 703-298-0088
Directors At Large
Scott Synnott 703-869-2031
Carlita Coley 804-456-8959
Westmoreland County
County Administrator, vacant as of June 2024 804-493-0130
District 2 Supervisor, Jeff McCormack 540-369-5754
Sheriff’s Department 804-493-8066
Westmoreland County Volunteer Rescue 804-493-8600
Westmoreland County Volunteer Fire Department 804-493-9596
IN AN EMERGENCY, DIAL 911, BUT YOU MUST TELL THEM YOU ARE IN WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA. Because of our proximity to the Potomac, emergency calls are sometimes picked up by Maryland emergency services!
Updated 06.10.24