Cabin Point Civic Association – February 2022 News

Cabin Point Civic Association – February 2022 News

Ladies and gentlemen – I cannot overstate the need for new folks to serve on the Cabin Point Civic Association Board of Directors.  Three of us are well into our 80’s and two of us have health issues.  Over time, we have clearly documented the duties of the board members and the schedule of milestones throughout the year.  Serving does NOT require a lot of time.  There are no specialized talents required to serve other than common sense, reasonable diplomacy and facility with email.  Two directors’ terms expire this year – election occurs at the June membership meeting.  We propose that the two new directors serve in an overlapping acting capability for some period of time with the preceding director in order to ease into the duties and achieve a comfort zone.  Again – it is not difficult nor significantly time consuming.  Please contact us at our email – if you are interested.

We are currently in our membership drive, and we have 134 members now and we thank those who have joined.  We need your membership and dues in order to execute the board responsibilities, to build a reserve for road maintenance (for non-VDOT roads) and to keep you informed of community issues.  Please join.

Cabin Point Civic Association President, Marion Dongieux
