Highlights of the February 17, 2022 Board of Directors Meeting

Highlights of the February 2022 Board of Directors Meeting

Spring is Coming and the Board is busy planning for warm weather activities.

  • Pool –There is a schedule of work activities that will be required to get the pool ready to open for the season on Saturday, May 28th. Volunteer help will be needed for these prep activities.  We are also looking for lifeguards and a pool manager so let us know if you are interested for yourself or know someone who would be a good candidate for a great summer job opportunity.  You can call the office at 804-472-3646 or send an email to GHCPAssoc@gmail.com if you can volunteer some time to help prep the pool or if you have a candidate in mind for a summer job.
  • Boat Trailer Parking – There has been some reconfiguration of trailer spaces and car parking spots at the GH Beach. Regular trailer spots are $125/yr but there are two “half size” spots that would hold a jet ski or a small utility trailer going for $50/yr. Renewal letters will go to previous users; call the office  if you wish to rent a space.
  • New Member Orientation – Last year’s event was so successful that we are doing it again. The date has been set for Saturday, May 21st at the clubhouse.  If you are a newcomer or even if you’ve been here awhile, come learn about all things Glebe Harbor-Cabin Point.  Watch for a more detailed announcement as we get closer to the date.
  • Communications – There has been a major change to the popular Glennet. Founder  Glen Thomason has retired from administering the Glennet.  It will now be administered by Ed Kirkley and has a new email address theglennet@gmail.com.  The GHCPA Communications Committee is working on expanding its own email distribution system to include announcements other than “strictly business” and will allow members to customize what information they wish to receive. More detail on how all this will work coming soon.
  • Elections – Board elections will be held at the June membership meeting. If you are interested in running for the Board or wish to nominate someone, please call or email the office. We have lots of new people in our neighborhood and we welcome and encourage them to get involved with helping to continue making this a great place to live.
