Facilities Committee Update

The GHCP Association Board is reviving a Facilities Committee to help identify, plan, operate, and maintain our facilities. The committee is made up of volunteers, invited by the Director of Facilities to provide the representation and expertise needed for projects under consideration.

You can read the formal charter of the committee HERE, but in a nutshell, members will:

  • periodically survey Association facilities
  • develop and recommend plans, cost estimates, and priorities for needed work
  • recommend to the Board what projects are appropriate for volunteers from the community, and those for which bids for vendors should be solicited
  • organize volunteers and/or assist in procuring vendors in accordance with County procurement requirements to carry out approved projects

When projects are approved and funded, the committee will be authorized to execute those approved plans.

Our planned projects for 2022 include:

  • opening and operating the pool
  • repairs at the clubhouse, Cabin Point restrooms and boat ramp
  • new signage and repair of the snow (aka sand) fence at CP beach
  • improvements to the boat parking areas

We will be sharing more information over the next few weeks. If you have a particular interest in any of these projects, or something else you think needs attention, please let us hear from you at GHCPassoc@gmail.com.
