It’s Budget Time – The Board is working on formulating a budget for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year. We are looking to see what high priority projects can be funded. Funds remain from the current year to replace the water line to the Clubhouse and follow that with repaving the Clubhouse driveway.
Signs – The #3 channel marker sign for the entrance to Ames and Weatherall Creeks will be re-installed. A sign will also be going up at the tennis court to remind members that the courts are reserved for playing tennis and pickle ball. Unfortunately, there have been issues with people letting their dogs and children use the courts for other purposes as well as leaving trash behind.
Property – The Board is continuing to explore the possibility of purchasing several lots to complete the Clubhouse property and to use for expanded boat storage. The funds would come from the Association’s account, not from the Sanitary District Recreational User Fees.
Coronavirus on the Increase – The pandemic continues with Westmoreland County designated as a high transmission area. There are community concerns regarding meetings and social activities/events. The CDC does recommend that all people, regardless of vaccination status, wear a mask at indoor gatherings in areas of high transmission. Happy Hours have been moved outdoors as long as the weather cooperates. We encourage other clubhouse activities to be held outdoors where feasible. When gathering inside the clubhouse, masks for all are strongly encouraged.