GHCP Association: September NEWS

Installation of Channel Day Marker Signs.  The GH-CP Association is obligated by the U.S. Coast Guard to maintain the numbered signs on the channel day markers for the entrances to Glebe Creek/Weatherall Creek and Cabin Point Creek.  Each winter, a few of these signs disappear, primarily because of high winds and winter storms.  Last winter, we lost both #3 signs at the entrance to Glebe Creek/Weatherall Creek.  We’ve received the replacement signs, but plywood backings must be cut and affixed to the signs before community volunteers can boat out to the pilings and bolt them in place.  We would like to complete this project in the next month.  If anyone would like to help by cutting and affixing plywood to the metal signs, please contact Bill Spencer or call the Clubhouse office.

Street Parking at Cabin Point Beach Access Walkway.  Street parking on the cul-de-sac at the Cabin Point Beach Access Walkway is quite limited and the turn-around area in the cul-de-sac is also limited.  When the cul-de-sac was repaired by VDOT following a collapse of the roadway a couple of years ago, the amount of turn-around space was reduced due to the loss of road surface.  On occasion, a few drivers have taken to parking perpendicular to the roadway, further restricting the ability of vehicles and trucks to make the turnaround.  Please be courteous and remember that only parallel parking is permitted along the cul-de-sac circumference.   Parallel parking at this location will assure that all personal and service vehicles have sufficient room to navigate the turn-around safely.

Transient Occupancy Tax to be imposed on Short Term Rentals.  Over the past few years, Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point have seen an increase in short-term rentals in the community.  Short-term rentals are rentals of 30 days or less for lodging purposes.  Two of the better-known types of short-term rentals are Airbnb’s and VRBO’s.  Short-term rentals are permitted in the Commonwealth of Virginia and may be taxed by County and local jurisdictions.  On June 14, 2021, the Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors voted to impose a Transient Occupancy Tax on short-term lodging rentals within the unincorporated areas of the County.  The tax is to be implemented on July 1, 2022.  The tax rate is 3.5% (2% will be designated to the general revenue and 1.5% will be dedicated to the promotion of tourism and travel in the County).  You can read more about this in the Glebe Harbor Civic Association article for September and the Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes of June 14, 2021.
