GHCP Association Annual Member Meeting and Election of Directors

The GHCP Association Annual Member Meeting and Election of Directors will be held on Saturday, June 12, 2021, at 9:30 am at the Clubhouse.

During this meeting we will be electing persons to fill the three director positions whose terms are expiring and the ratification of one current board member.

The GHCP Association Board of Directors is recommending the three incumbents below for reelection to fill the director positions whose terms are expiring and the ratification of a board appointment to a vacant director position.  Following are the bios for these candidates:

Bill Spencer:

Bill & Dot Spencer bought their home in Cabin Point in Early 2006 and were married in the clubhouse two months later.  They were weekenders until 2014, when they settled here full time.

Long ago he graduated from college, served in the Army for a few years, earned a graduate degree, retired from the Federal Government in 2001 and worked for a few contractors until he gave up getting paid in 2014.

Bill joined the Board in 2016 and has served as the Director of Facilities and Vice President since then.

Jack O’Neil:

I am Jack O’Neil and have been a property owner in Cabin Point for over 30 years.  Commuting on weekends from Northern Virginia for the first 15 years and becoming a full-time resident in 2005.

Born in Boston, Massachusetts into an Army family and traveled the world. Grew up in Massachusetts, Japan, California and Asmara, Eritrea, East Africa.

Received my undergraduate degree from The University of Nebraska and a master’s degree from University Southern California (USC) in Information Technology.

I retired from the military (ARMY) in 1982 after serving 20 years and worked in Northern Virginia for High Technology companies, retiring for the second time from BAE Systems in 2005.

I have always been active in community activities, serving on Church Boards and on the Prince William County Planning Commission as well as teaching Information Systems at Northern Virginia Community College when we lived in Northern Virginia.

Since moving to Cabin Point full-time, I have been active on the Westmoreland County Board of Zoning Appeals, the Coast Guard Auxiliary, The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), and assisting Veterans in applying for Veterans Benefits to the Veterans Administration (VA).

I am married to Glenda and we have four married children as well as 12 grandchildren.

John Clifford Hutt, Jr.:

I was born September 13, 1945, the first child of J. Clifford and Beatrice M. Hutt and the first member of the 10th generation of the Hutt family here in Westmoreland County, Virginia. I grew up here and graduated from Washington & Lee High School in June 1963. I began college at Hampton Sydney but left there to serve in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam era and ultimately got an under-graduate degree from Virginia Tech in 1972 and a J. D. Degree from T. C. Williams School of Law, University of Richmond in 1975.

After that I returned to Westmoreland County to practice law with my father, J. Clifford and my brother Jeff, both of whom graduated from T. C. Williams. I developed a real estate practice which consisted of transfers, refinancing and associated litigation issues. In addition, I developed a specialty in the collection of delinquent real estate taxes.

I try to bring to the board the local knowledge and experience which I have acquired during my lifetime as an attorney and as a member of the Hutt family. I appreciate the opportunity to serve and with your blessings, I shall continue to do so. 

Linda Whittaker – Ratification of current Board Member: 

I grew up in the Harrisonburg/Rockingham County area of the Shenandoah Valley in the shadows of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains.  I still make frequent trips to the valley to visit family, including my mother, daughter/son-in-law, 3 grandchildren and recently added, my great-grandson!!

My husband, Donnie, and I both worked for Contel/GTE/Verizon.  Working for Verizon offered us the opportunity to work and live-in Richmond VA, Tampa FL, and finally my last 12 years with Verizon was in Dallas TX before retiring after 31 years in 2003. 

I started as an Outside Plant Engineer, moving next to Sr Inside Plant Engineer.  I like to say that I worked in just about every department except telephone operator.  Staff Support, Process Re-engineering, IT Development, Cost Management, Service Fulfillment & Assurance, Project Management and Business Process Management accounted for most of my telephony responsibilities.

After retiring from Verizon, I worked the next 14 years for Texas Electric, Cox Cable and Colonial Pipeline as a Business Process Analyst under Innovar Solutions. 

Donnie and I have been full time residents of Cabin Point for 15 years.  After spending 6 months looking at every community on the Northern Neck, we made the perfect decision to make Cabin Point our retirement home. 

Locally, I have served on The Friends of Belle Isle State Park Board and the Board of Rappahannock Community College Friends of the Library.  I love to read and most know me for starting & leading the local Creekside Readers book club group. 

I have served on the GH-CP Board of Directors for the last 7 months as Communications Lead.  I am now looking for your support and vote to ratify my appointment. 

Nominations may also be made from the floor, provided the person making the nomination has first obtained the consent of the person being nominated.  We encourage all members not able to attend to consider voting by proxy.  Proxies must be submitted by close of business Friday, June 4th, 2021 to the Clubhouse office or by email to

The Board of Directors, Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point Association, Inc.

(Posted 05.26.2021)