- Shoreline and Waterways – The Engineering Contract firms are getting close to completing their design work for the Cabin Point Beach project. They are working with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality who will loan us the money for the project and the Virginia Marine Resources Commission who will need to approve the design work.
- Completion of Clubhouse Tree Work – the planned work is complete and Jim Amery is to be commended for his work in securing the contractor and managing their work.
- Pool is Nearly Ready to Open – with work led by Bill Spencer and many volunteers continuing twice a week, the pool is looking nice. Andrea Hall has recruited 5 lifeguards for the summer. David Dudley will serve as the Pool Manager.
- Access Cards Required Signs – signs have been received and are being installed to inform all users of our facilities that their access cards need to be displayed when using the facilities.
- Updated Coronavirus Guidance – The Governor new guidance allows up to 100 persons indoors and 250 outdoors. The pool will open on, May 29th with no restrictions on normal activities except the Volleyball Net will not be in place. Happy Hours on the pool deck will begin on Tuesday, May 18.
- New Member Orientation – The Meet and Greet is scheduled for Saturday, May 29th from 10-11:30 in the Clubhouse and will be followed by a cookout starting at noon on the pool deck.
- Nominating Committee – The Board accepted the slate of officers for the next fiscal year of Linda Whitaker, being ratified to fill the term of Mardie Amery; and John Hutt, Jack O’Neil, and Bill Spencer running for reelection.
- Boat and Trailer Parking – The Board voted to allow only members to rent spaces for parking consistent with the rule only allowing owners to rent the Clubhouse for private events.
- Neighborhood Watch Coordinator – The Board ratified the appointment of CC Murphy as the new Coordinator.