This letter provides notice of the Annual Meeting and Election of Directors of the Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point Association, Inc., that will be held on Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 9:30 am. The meeting will be held at the GHCP Clubhouse located at 751 Glebe Harbor Drive, Montross, VA 22520. The purpose of the meeting is to update the general membership on current business of the GHCP Association and to elect persons to fill the director positions whose terms are expiring or are vacant.
Please note: Compliance is expected with masking and social distancing guidance as required by the Commonwealth of Virginia and any executive orders in effect at the time of the meeting.
What’s Planned for the Agenda.
Election of Directors. The GHCPA Board of Directors is recommending three persons to fill the director positions whose terms are expiring. The candidates for election are John Hutt, Jack O’Neil, and Bill Spencer. The Board had previously appointed Jack O’Neil for a 6-month term expiring in June 2021. Jack is now standing for election for a full 3-year term.
Ratification of Board Appointments. In accordance with the Association’s By-Laws, any vacancy on the Board arising during the unexpired term of a Director may be filled by the Board for the remaining term of that Director. Board appointments to fill unexpired terms are brought before the membership for ratification at the next meeting of the general membership. The Board appointed Linda Whittaker for an 18-month term expiring in June 2022.
The bios for the candidates for election and for ratification may be viewed HERE. Nominations may also be made from the floor, provided the person making the nomination has first obtained the consent of the person being nominated.
Engineering Study for Cabin Point Beach and Cabin Point Creek Inlet Channel. The focus of the study is on engineering services to address long-term erosion control problems on the Cabin Point Beach property and to determine if modifications are needed to the adjacent Cabin Point Creek inlet channel entrance to mitigate sand deposits by wind and tide. Funding for the initial study was provided in the FY 2020-2021 budget.
Funding for Cabin Point Beach Shoreline Stabilization. The County has received preliminary approval for a proposed $550,000 loan from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund (VCWRLF). This loan program provides low-cost funding for long-term projects—in this case, a project to investigate erosion issues and the use of living shoreline techniques to replenish and protect the Cabin Point Beach area. The details of the project and loan terms are subject to review and approval by the County Board of Supervisors. This briefing is provided in advance of consideration of the final package by the County Board of Supervisors.
Pre-Project Planning Study for Dredging of the Secondary Channels of Cabin Point Creek. The focus of the study is on engineering services to plan for dredging of the secondary channels of Cabin Point Creek to assure adequate channel width and depth. This study is also to identify and determine appropriate locations where dredged spoil materials may be placed.
Lastly, we will provide a general update on facilities, operations, and member services projects that have been undertaken in the past year.
Come in Person or Send your Proxy. We urge you to attend the June 12 meeting in person. If you cannot attend, we urge you to complete the proxy form viewed HERE and submit it to Barbara K. Cole, Secretary, GHCP Association. Proxies are used to establish quorum for the conduct of business meetings and to vote on matters brought before the membership for consideration.
All proxies must be received by the Association Office no later than Friday, June 4, 2021. Proxies may be submitted in person or by mail to the Clubhouse address, or by email to Be sure to fully complete the requested proxy information to assure your proxy is valid. Please note that we are asking you to provide your legal mailing address, rather than your Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point address. This will help facilitate the proxy validation process. As provided by Virginia law, all proxies are subject to validation by the Secretary. Proxies received after June 4 will not be considered valid for use at the June 12 meeting and no proxies will be accepted at the door on the meeting day.
Jeanne O. Axtell, President, GHCP Board
On Behalf of the Board