The pool is closed, water exercises are over, but the fun hasn’t stopped yet!
GHCPA property owners, lessees, and their guests are invited to join a new free, walk-in Outdoor Aerobics Exercise program on the decks surrounding the pool!
The program will consist of a one-hour exercise DVD featuring walking and some optional lightweight workout with weights while walking. It starts tomorrow, September 9, on a trial basis and will continue as long as weather and interest permit. CDC recommendations and Virginia Phase 3 COVID-19 procedures will be observed, including wearing masks when entering, temperature check, and social distancing – basically, what we did during the pool season. Please bring your access card and water, and 2 pound weights if you’d like!!
WHEN: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
TIME: 9:00-10:00am
WHERE: GHCP pool deck – enter through pool gate
Questions? Call or text Dot Spencer, 410-491-7400
(Posted 9.8.20)