From time to time, we hear concerns from members about people they observe using Sanitary District facilities who they suspect are not authorized to do so. The beaches and boat ramps are mentioned most frequently.
With the creation of the Sanitary District, the Sheriff’s Department has the authority to enforce rules approved by the County, including restricting access to property owners and lessees, members of their households, and invited guests. The County issues Access Cards through the Association as proof of your authorization to use SD facilities. At the pool, users have learned to carry access cards because staff verifies they are presented and valid.
But many authorized users forget to carry their cards when using the beaches, boat ramps, and other facilities, making enforcement more difficult.
Please remind members of your households and your guests that at least one person in any group using our facilities is required to carry a valid access card. And if you use the boat ramps, we ask that you display a current sticker, available here, or from the Association office.
(Posted 8.10.20)