Reminder: GHCP Annual Membership Meeting is August 22nd

The Annual Membership meeting of the GHCP Association will be held at 9:30am on Saturday, August 22, 2020, at the clubhouse. The only action on the agenda is the election of three Directors to the Board of Directors. The terms of Jeanne Axtell, Brett Billington, and Barbara Cole are expiring. The Board has endorsed the recommendation of the nominating committee that Jeanne and Barbara be reelected and that Angela Murphy be elected to the remaining position. You can read the bios of all three nominees HERE.

Nominations may also be made from the floor at the time of the meeting, provided the person making the nomination has first obtained the consent of the person being nominated.

The Board is working through procedures and contingency plans for safely conducting this meeting and the election consistent with whatever guidance is in place at that time. All members have the option of participating by proxy. Forms are available HERE and were also included in the recent issue of the pointer. Proxies must be received by the GHCP Office, 751 Glebe Harbor Drive, Montross, VA 22520 by August 14, 2020. Electronic submission is also acceptable, to

PLEASE NOTE:  The civic associations will be conducting their meetings immediately following the GHCPA meeting.  If you are unable to attend the civic association meeting, you have the option of participating by proxy.  The civic association proxy may be found on page 3 of the July 2020 edition of the Glebe Pointer.  For Glebe Harbor, proxies are submitted to  For Cabin Point, proxies are submitted to Proxies for the civic association meetings must also be submitted by August 14.

We look forward to seeing you on August 22, at 9:30 am.

(Posted 7.30.20)