During this year of unexpected events with a public health emergency, we have all been surprised by how our lives have been disrupted and changed. Among the activities and business operations affected are the normal corporate responsibilities of the Board of Directors for the GH-CP Association.
On April 2, we notified you that the Annual Meeting and Election of Directors, originally scheduled for June 13th was being postponed to a future date because of the COVID-related state of emergency in Virginia. We hoped that the public health situation would be clearer when the state of emergency lifted on June 10th, but that did not occur. The Governor subsequently issued various executive orders and mandatory guidelines, including those prohibiting in-person gatherings of more than 50 individuals.
At this time, the Association’s board of directors cannot hold an in-person annual meeting. Further, the unsettled public situation relating to executive orders and the health emergency have made it impossible for the board of directors to predict with any certainty what restrictions to expect pertaining to future public gatherings, membership meetings, and elections. Nonetheless, the board of directors is mindful of its responsibility to conduct an annual meeting in conformity with the bylaws and to plan for the election of directors within the constraints of the executive orders and health emergency.
Resolution Regarding Annual Meeting for GH-CP Association: The board discussed this conundrum with legal counsel and adopted a formal resolution that addresses both the Governor’s executive orders and our corporate requirements, thus providing for an annual meeting that complies with the bylaws and enables us to conduct an election on a specified date later this summer.
Essentially, the annual meeting on June 30, 2020 will be convened, adjourned, and reconvened on August 22, 2020, at which time elections for the expiring terms of three directors will be held. A copy of the resolution may be found on the Association’s website (gh-cp.org). This may seem cumbersome, but we are taking this step to assure that our corporate responsibilities are met and that your ability to elect persons to represent you and work on your behalf is assured in a timely manner.
A formal notification of the meeting and proxy form has been sent to all members. Those documents, and the formal resolution can be viewed HERE.
A Word from the GH-CP Association Board: We hope that each of you and your families are continuing to stay safe and be well in these tumultuous times. To our knowledge, no one living in our community has had COVID-19. However, the number of cases in Westmoreland County continues to climb and we hope and pray that you will continue to be safe. We hope that your home at the river—in Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point—continues to be a place for rest and recreation. Our goal remains to allow you the greatest possible access to our community’s recreational amenities, consistent with personal safety and good stewardship of our resources. Thank you.
(Posted 6.20.20)