Recent Improvements at the Beaches

At Cabin Point Beach, we are installing a temporary ramp to provide a safer means of accessing the beach area.  This is not a permanent solution, but it should enable you to gain access more easily to the beach for the balance of the summer.

The first 3 groins at the north end of Cabin Point Beach have been repaired and are beginning to catch sand.  We are hopeful the sand build-up on the beach will continue and fill in what was lost over the past two years.  The fourth groin remains stable and no repairs are required at this time.  We have received and accepted bids to repair Groins 5, 6, and 7 and we expect work on these three groins to begin later this summer.

At Glebe Harbor Beach, the work continues on the landscape remediation plan approved by the County.  The plan includes phragmites removal and control, and replanting of trees, native grasses, and shoreline vegetation to restore the overall health of the beach property.  The landscape remediation plan is funded solely by the GHCP Association.  No Sanitary District funds are used for this project.  A copy of the plan is available for viewing here, but you will need to sign in to the Members Only section first.

Beach Volunteers:  From time to time, we schedule beach clean-up days to pick up after storms and remove items that wash up on shore.  We would like to put together a list of volunteers who might be interested in helping.  If you are interested, please contact us at  We’ll contact you when clean-up days are scheduled, and you can help out if your schedule permits at that time.

(Posted 6.23.20)