Beach Updates

Cabin Point Beach

In roughly the past 18 months, we have lost 2-1/2 feet of sand at the end of the ramp.  Erosion to the north is within 3 feet of the roadway. We continue to work with VDOT to remediate erosion threatening the roadway, and to pursue permits and identify funding for the work needed to protect our beach. Erosion control and groin repairs at Cabin Point Beach were included in the Capital Improvement Plan submitted to the County for this year’s capital projects. (Posted 7.18.2019)

             2017                            2018                            2019


Crystal Lane Beach

The primary concerns at Crystal Lane beach are safety and erosion caused by drainage problems. The safety issues are around numerous deep ruts and sink holes in the property upland of the beach and extending to the Crystal Lane roadway. There are two principal drainage issues.  One is associated with correcting the grade of the swale along the roadway to assure that water flows properly.  The other arises from the growth of runoff Phragmites, an invasive plant that is choking the drainage swale intended to carry water down the south side of the property and out to the creek. Instead, runoff backs up and cuts through the middle of the property, eroding sand into the creek. We have consulted with VDOT, County Lane Use, local contractors, and neighbors. Our net assessment is that the drainage issues need to be fixed, the Phragmites taken out, the low spots backfilled, and areas near the beach filled with sand removed in the process of clearing the Phragmites and the swale. The areas of sinkholes may be caused by tree trunks and debris, buried years ago. Some exploratory digging may be needed before these areas are filled.

Neighbors have offered to assist, but the overall scope and need for heavy equipment will likely require commercial help. We may be able to fund this project once recreational user fees are received for the coming year.

Glebe Harbor Beach

The old walkway has been shored up, made safe for use, and reopened. While it is structurally sound, weather has taken its toll on the deck and railings. Users need to be careful about the danger of splinters, and wear shoes or sandals – No Bare Feet!