The Post Dissolution Transition Project committees continued work this month. The Covenants and County Ordinances Committee met on August 16. At this meeting, committee members continued looking at certain covenants and the companion County ordinances that address similar standards for the community. The committee’s working premise is that County ordinances may be better tools for enforcement. The GHCPA does not have legal authority to enforce covenants. And while the County cannot legally enforce covenants either, the County can enforce its own ordinances. The committee has made a preliminary identification of companion ordinances to certain covenants that could be enforced by the County if the Board of Supervisors were to adopt similar language or consider amendments that could be applied on a community-specific basis (i.e., only to Glebe Harbor, only to Cabin Point, or both).
In reviewing the existing covenants, the committee determined the following covenants as critical to maintain for the community (e.g., grass mowing at 8 inches height, square footage (size of homes) on lots, build completion (closing in) of new homes within 8 months, no house trailers used for residential purposes on lots in R-2 zoned communities, and no animals or birds other than household pets).
To encourage voluntary compliance with the grass height/mowing covenants, a survey of unimproved properties and lots was conducted in Cabin Point in early August and in Glebe Harbor later in August. As of August 25, letters were sent to all property owners in both communities who had not yet mowed their lots reminding them of their obligation to comply with the covenants and providing them with a list of providers who are available to mow lots in Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point, if the property owner is not able to do so.
With respect to the Roads and Grounds Committee work, both the GHCA and the CPCA had reviewed the condition of non-State roads in their communities prior to dissolution. The CPCA filled potholes and applied crushed stone over the entire roadways of two of its roads (Inlet Lane and Duck Point Circle). The GHCA identified Erica Drive as the first road to be addressed with funds transferred to the GHCPA. Bids are being received now for completion of this work along the entire roadway. One bid has been received. A second vendor declined further consideration and we are contacting two additional vendors for bids. The second road to be addressed in Glebe Harbor will be the closed section of Weatherall Drive if funds permit. This is not a simple repair since the culvert beneath the road is damaged due to heavy vehicular traffic.
We are currently looking at options for handling common area mowing that is not currently covered either by the Association or the GH-CP Sanitary District. This primarily concerns mowing of the entrance roads to the community at Glebe Harbor Drive and at Royal Way. Mt. Holly Lawn Service, which has provided this service for the past several years, will continue to mow these areas for this mowing season. We expect to consider changes in handling common area mowing in the forthcoming mowing season in 2024.
posted 08.29.23