End of Season Pool Schedule

Summer is winding down, the sun is setting earlier every day, and our pool season is almost over.  Most pools close after Labor Day, but depending on the weather, user interest, and the availability of guards, we plan to extend some access to the pool for a few more days.

  • Morning exercise classes will continue through Saturday, September 9, but otherwise the pool will be closed during the week.
  • Unattended use will be permitted, but guards will not be on duty. Users may have to skim the pool as needed, but the water will be conditioned.
  • The pool will be open on the weekend from 10am to 6pm. Guards will be on duty on Saturday the 9thand Sunday the 10th.

Based on usage and weather forecasts, we may extend this schedule through Saturday, September 16th.

Updates will be posted in NEWS, in Happenings, and on our facebook page. Stay tuned!

posted 08.16.23