There have been many recent incidents of owners, guests, and renters (and some non-residents) engaging in inappropriate activities, including trespassing on the community beaches and climbing on the newly constructed breakwaters at Cabin Point Beach. These actions are concerning because people can get injured on the slippery rocks and the climbing can damage the breakwaters that were constructed to protect the beach, increase sand accretion, and create a Living Shoreline habitat for oysters and fish. The property owners of our community have just invested $1,260,000 in this Living Shoreline, a loan that is to be repaid over 20 years.
In response to these recent incidents, the Association Board of Directors approached the County Administrator about this issue. He and the County Attorney developed a Resolution which the Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors approved on June 26, 2023. The County Board of Supervisors is also the governing body for the GHCP Sanitary District and has the authority to enact this resolution.
The Resolution resolved that signs be prepared to indicate that climbing onto rock breaks will be considered trespassing and a nuisance punishable by a Class 1 misdemeanor. The punishment for Class 1 misdemeanors includes confinement in jail for not more than twelve months and a fine of not more than $2,500, either or both.
This Resolution is effective upon enactment and enforcement of the provisions will begin immediately.
This coming July 4th weekend, a deputy from the Westmoreland County Sheriff’s Office will be present from time to time throughout the weekend to ensure that people are not climbing the breakwaters and fishing from the rocks. All fishing needs to be done on the shoreline or in the water, not from the rocks.
You may be asked to show your GHCP Access Card to access the beach. We have also had incidents with boats coming onto Cabin Point Beach to use it for the day. No boat will be allowed on the beach without someone on board having an access card. Boaters that do not have an access card will be asked to leave the beach property. The community beaches are for the use of GHCP property owners and their guests only.