Highlights of the August 15, 2022 Board of Directors Meeting
Extension of Pool Hours – The Board agreed to keep the pool open for two additional weeks following Labor Day, weather permitting. The modified hours for this time period are expected to be M-F: Morning exercise groups continue as scheduled; Open swim from 3-6 pm. Saturdays and Sundays will be the regular hours of Check the Pool Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/GHCPPool for up to date information which may change day to day depending upon the weather.
Safety Instruction at the Pool – The Board agreed to a policy regarding private safety instructions at the pool. Any swimming or safety instruction at the GHCP pool is to be conducted by a resource or instructor provided by the Association. The cost of the instruction is borne by those receiving it and the cost arrangements are between the instructor and students. Scheduling of such events is dependent on the availability of the pool and our resource person.
Parking at the Cabin Point Boat Ramp – Parking spots at the Cabin Point boat ramp have been re-lined. Please park accordingly in order to accommodate others getting their boats in and out.
Clubhouse Security – Due to several events this summer, there was a request to re-install the security cameras at the clubhouse. The Board agreed to re-install the cameras. No changes to the current rules for use of the clubhouse have been made.
Shred-It Day – A real estate company has offered to host a “shred-it” day in our community where members can bring papers for shredding. It is scheduled for November 5th from 9-12. Watch for more detailed information as we get closer to the time of the event.