Happy Hour Vote For Your Preferred Time

Happy Hour Tuesday April 5th.  Vote for your preferred time!!

On behalf of the community, I would like to thank Angie Murphy for her efforts in getting Happy Hour back up and running.  The Gold’s will be taking over Happy Hour from Angie Murphy and hosting on April 5th.

What time is best for Tuesday’s Happy Hour?  We’ve had several requests to consider changing the time for Tuesday’s Happy Hour.  We would like to let the regular attendees who participate in this event decide the hours that work best for them.  A ballot to vote your preference was available last Tuesday (3/29) and a ballot will be available again this coming Tuesday (4/5), to enable those who could not attend last week to cast a vote.  Or you can email me your preference kathy@kathygoldcde.org. The options are:

 (1) 5 pm to 7 pm; 

(2) 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm; 

(3) 6 pm to 8 pm.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

Kathy Gold


