The GHCP Association issues decals to property owners/members for all boat trailers using the GHCP boat ramps on a regular basis, and for all trailers and RVs occupying rental storage spaces.
Boat/Trailer Parking Storage Spaces. The GHCP Association rents parking storage spaces to property owners/members on a first come, first served basis. If you want to rent a space for a trailer or RV, click HERE for the application form and maps of the parking areas. Forms may be returned to the office by email (, USPS, or by dropping them off at the office. The GHCP Board has set the 2022 rental fee for each parking storage at $125/year, an increase of $25. (We do have, however, 2 “half spaces” suitable for a PWC or small utility trailer for $50/year.) If you are renting a storage space(s), please attach your check to your form.
Last year, 2021. At Glebe Harbor Beach, we repurposed four trailer parking storage spaces to provide six vehicle parking spaces for users of the beach. Tree trimming and removal improved parking at the Clubhouse, and four spaces were retired due to wet ground. We established 13 new spaces next to the tennis courts (Clubhouse West) on a temporary basis to us to accommodate potential increased demand.
This Year, 2022 We will have 70 trailer parking spaces in the two communities. We will relocate the vehicle parking at GH Beach (close to the beach), and return the 4 trailer spaces now used for that purpose to our rentals. We have also budgeted for the adding gravel or other materials to some of the parking areas that are too often wet and soft. We will not be renting the spaces at Clubhouse West this year, but will hold them in reserve as we continue to look for other trailer parking areas.
(Posted 3.27.2022)