In Virginia, as well as the rest of the United States, the rise of the Omicron variant has led to rapid increase in cases of Covid-19. Westmoreland County is an area of high risk for transmission of the disease. While the GH-CP Board does not currently plan to cancel community events, we urge everyone to increase their vigilance in preventing transmission of this disease and make informed choices to protect public health.
Here are some reminders from the Virginia Department of Health of the important steps we can take to keep all of us safe.
- Get vaccinated. Covid-19 vaccination is by far the most powerful weapon in the fight against all Covid-19 variants. Preventing serious Covid-19 disease is critically important to protect our highly stressed hospitals. We urge you to get vaccinated if you have not already done so. Everyone age 5 and older is now eligible for vaccination in Virginia.
- Get boosted. If you are vaccinated, and eligible for a booster dose, please get the booster dose as soon as possible. More details on the recommended Covid-19 vaccination and booster schedules for all ages may be found at
- Get the flu vaccine. Flu vaccine is now widely available. This flu season is likely to be far more severe than last year. So, please get your flu shot. There is no problem getting the flu vaccine and the Covid-19 vaccine at or near the same time.
- Keep up good disease prevention practices. Layering of public health recommendations for stopping the spread of COVID-19 remain important. This includes masking, social distancing, hand washing, avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces, getting tested and isolating at home, as appropriate. Everyone should continue to keep up these disease prevention practices protecting themselves and others.
- Stay home if you are not well. If you are not well, please stay at home and do not attend community activities or events.
We will continue to monitor data from the Virginia Department of Health and keep you informed of any changes in mitigation guidelines recommended by the Commonwealth or the County. Stay safe and stay well!
(Posted 12.28.2021)