Recently, concerns have been voiced about the County’s emergency response capability for the Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point community. While we acknowledge and share the concerns, the GH-CP Board strongly supports primary reliance on the County’s emergency response services by early contact to 911 in the event of an emergency. We also support ongoing efforts by the County to enhance its emergency response capability through on-going evaluation of the placement and deployment of that capability. We will also consider other recommendations to advance to the County for consideration. If you have any suggestions, you can send them to the GH-CP Board at
Here is a quick update on recent actions the GH-CP Board has taken.
Defibrillator Maintenance. We checked the Clubhouse defibrillator earlier in June and discovered the unit was overdue for inspection and maintenance. On June 18, 2021, the defibrillator was inspected, and the batteries and electrode pads replaced. Following yesterday’s use of the defibrillator to address a medical emergency at the pool (see related article “Incident at the GH-CP Pool”), the electrode pads were replaced, and new pads for both adults and children and new batteries were ordered. The equipment is on the County’s maintenance schedule list and will next be inspected in two years.
CPR Training. While our lifeguards are trained, we recognize that others in the community may benefit from CPR training, too. With the support of County personnel, we will offer training to anyone in Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point who wishes to receive it and is willing to assist in an emergency during scheduled events and hours that the Clubhouse is open and available for use. The training will be a 4-hour CPR class (including defibrillator use). Attendees will receive certification on completion of training. If you would be interested in attending the CPR training class, please contact Teresa Edwards at the Clubhouse, or Jack O’Neil, Board Member.