GHCP Association: April News

Change in Date for GHCP Annual Meeting and Election of Directors.

The GHCP Annual Meeting and Election of Directors will be held on Saturday, June 12, 9:30 am at the Clubhouse.   The meeting had previously been announced as being on June 5.

Candidates for Election.  The candidates presented by the board for election are:  John Hutt, Jack O’Neil, and Bill Spencer.  Also, Linda Whittaker’s appointment to fill a vacancy on the board will be presented for ratification by the membership.   Biographical sketches for these candidates will be posted on the website by the end of May.

 Slow Down…Children at Play…Share the Road

There have been several complaints about speeding on the roads in our community.  The main roads into and out of our community have speed limits varying from 30 mph to 40 mph.  However, the speed limits on most residential roads in our community are 25 mph.  Many owners who were previously weekenders, or seasonal residents, are now living here full-time and working remotely.  Consequently, we are seeing an increase in children at play, pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic on the roadways.  The Westmoreland County Sheriff’s Office is periodically monitoring vehicular speed in the community.  Please be mindful of the posted speed limits and keep an eye out for others sharing the road.

Are Airbnb’s permitted in GHCP?

Recently, some questions have arisen about whether short-term residential lodging arrangements are permitted in the communities.  There are no legal restrictions in the Glebe Harbor or Cabin Point covenants that prevent an owner from renting their house as an Airbnb-type rental. Property owners are free to enter private, contractual arrangements to rent or lease their home for any time duration.  The Westmoreland County zoning ordinance recognizes short-term residential lodging arrangements for a period of fewer than 30 consecutive days, with certain provisions (e.g., the property remains residential, applicable taxes and collected and remitted to state and local entities, and the use does not include simultaneous occupancy by more than one party under separate contracts).

The County Board of Supervisors is reviewing changes in existing Virginia legislation that permit local and County governments to register and regulate short-term residential lodging arrangements.  Until the County completes their review process and a new ordinance is adopted, our current rules allowing short-term residential lodging will remain in effect.  We will keep the community informed of proposed changes in the County ordinance and the scheduled date of any public hearing.

What’s going on?

At the clubhouse, there has been extensive tree trimming and some removals.  Around the pavilion, the parking area for the pool, the tennis courts, and the trailer parking area, several trees that were damaged or in danger of falling have been removed. Others have been limbed up for better and safer access.  Special thanks to Jim Amery for organizing this effort, soliciting bids for the work, and working with the crews to get it done.

At the pool, work to get ready for the season is underway. The pool decks have been power washed, the pool is being drained and the next step will be pressure washing the pool. Other tasks include some painting, cleaning furniture, inventory and some repair of umbrellas, and general cleanup and preparation.

At the playground, we are checking out the equipment, and adding a bit more color with fresh paint.

At the beaches and boat ramps, you will soon see signs reminding all of us that one person in any group using our facilities needs to be carrying a valid Facilities Access Card. Even better, if you wear yours were it can be seen, it may discourage anyone who should not be using our beaches and ramps from returning.

We plan to open the pool on Saturday, May 29. We are tracking CDC and Virginia guidance closely, and are hoping to operate under fewer restrictions that last year. Stay tuned as new guidance emerges.

Volunteers are always appreciated and welcome!

Our general work sessions are at the pool Thursdays and Saturdays, 9am-noon. If you have the opportunity, please drop by to lend a hand.  Special thanks to those who we able to help out in the past two weeks:

Jim Amery, Buddy Axtell, Bob Dunn, John & Laurie Googan, Steve &Tracy Merritt, Peter Chantry, Gary Palsgrove, Tom Schaffer, Fred Selby, Paul Shrieves, Bill & Dot Spencer, Wayne & Abby Spencer, Bob Voss, and Dawn Warton.
