Highlights of the April 12, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting

“Open for Business”……… well, not fully, but we are getting closer.  Due to some relaxation of restrictions announced by the Governor, the Board has voted to open up use of some amenities provided members using them are masked and socially distanced.

  • Picnic Pavilion – Effective immediately, the Pavilion may be reserved for private use.
  • Clubhouse –The Board voted to make the clubhouse available for meetings of Association sponsored small groups (no rentals) of 25 or fewer people.  All must adhere to Virginia coronavirus guidelines as directed by the Governor and implemented by the Association. The Board also approved the purchase of a sanitization/disinfection mister to allow easier and more thorough cleaning in between group meetings.
  • Happy Hour – Happy Hour can resume effective May 1st outside on the pool deck. This is strictly BYOB and all materials must be disposable. Look for further announcements about Happy Hour.
  • Clubhouse Rentals – For the time being, the clubhouse will not be available for private use. The Board will re-visit this policy after the “soft” opening is reviewed or if the Governor relaxes guidelines further.  This “soft” opening is always subject to immediate alteration or suspension if public health conditions change.

Meet and GreetWe’ve gained so many new members over the past two years!  Many new members (and some of the old timers as well) are not sure where all the amenities are, how to find information about the neighborhood, or how to communicate with the office and the Board.  An informal Meet and Greet will be set up at the club house or pool deck (weather and Covid dependent) the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to answer your questions.  Look for further information about this event as we get closer to the date.

New signs have been ordered and will be installed in various places to remind members that they need to carry their access cards when using SD facilities.  We have received concerns and complaints that non-members are using our amenities.  Your access card confirms your right to use all our facilities and amenities.

Annual Meeting – The Annual Meeting and Election of Board Members has been set for the second Saturday in June.  This year that will be June 12th. Be sure to mark your calendars because that’s also when the results of the community SURVEY will be presented.  Come see what we have learned from all of you who participated.
