Spring Household Hazardous Waste Collection – April 24th

On Saturday, April 24, homeowners in Westmoreland County will have the opportunity to dispose of any unwanted hazardous chemicals or products being stored on the home grounds. A no charge poundage limit will be in effect.  No fee will be assessed for the first 100 pounds of material – beyond 100 pounds, each homeowner will be charged $1.05 per pound.

Collection will occur from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the A. T. Johnson Human Services Building parking lot, 18849 Kings Highway, on Route 3 just east of Montross.

Items that will be accepted are home pesticides, paint (particularly oil based), paint thinners and related products, antifreeze, contaminated fuels, household cleaners, old fluorescent bulbs, rechargeable batteries and any other toxic materials. Latex paints are not hazardous. To reduce weight and fees, let latex paints harden and take to convenience centers with other trash. Participants must be residents of the county.

Those items that cannot be accepted for disposal include tires, car batteries, radioactive materials (including smoke alarms), medical waste, ammunition, explosives, and household electronics.

Citizens will notice new procedures and safety measures in place to protect event workers and attendees from potential spread of disease. These will be no-contact events.  All event workers will wear PPE and citizens are asked to remain in their vehicles at all times. The public is asked to pack items for collection in an area of their vehicle farthest away from the driver to minimize the likelihood of shared air space between the event crew and participants.

The program is being sponsored by Westmoreland County in cooperation with the Northern Neck Soil & Water Conservation District, Virginia Cooperative Extension and MXI Environmental Services, LLC. Questions may be directed to the Northern Neck Soil & Water Conservation District at 804-313-9102, X 105, or by email to kathleen.watson@nnswcd.org.
