- Cabin Point Beach Engineering Study – The County has issued a contract to Resource International to conduct the Cabin Point Beach Engineering Study starting March 1st.
- Dredging of Cabin Point Secondary Channels – Funding is still being pursued.
- Boat Storage and Parking – Plans are in the works for the addition of temporary boat storage at the clubhouse, designation of car parking for Glebe Harbor Beach, and improvement of trailer parking for boaters at the Cabin Point boat ramp.
- Survey – The survey, which is now closed, has yielded many responses and some good ideas. Thanks to all who participated. The results will be shared in detail, but in the meantime, look for some quick answers to various questions asked in the NEWS article.
- New Signs – Be on the lookout for new signage in the community this spring. Many residents have asked about unauthorized use of the boat ramps and beaches. The Board approved an Access Cards Required policy for the boat ramps and beaches and new signs regarding this policy will be forthcoming.
- Proxies – The Board approved a resolution regarding proxies as well as an amended proxy that will be valid for 12 months only if it is submitted for the June Annual Membership Meeting. You’ll hear more about this when the meeting notice and proxy are sent out for the June meeting.
- Money Matters – The Treasurer reports that our RUF payments are about 3.5% behind this time last year. This represents about $10,000 and 50 owners.
(Posted 03.25.2021)