- The Board welcomed two new members. Linda Whittaker and Jack O’Neil were appointed to fulfill the unexpired terms of Jocelyn Davis and Mardie Amery. We appreciate their willingness to offer time and talent to benefit our community. Many thanks to Jocelyn and Mardie for their many contributions.
Facilities Update
- The leak in the Portico roof has been repaired.
- There has been a break in a water line at the Clubhouse which was unexpected but does reflect our aging infrastructure. The cost to replace the water line is undetermined.
- Paving of the parking lot at the clubhouse has been postponed due to the water line break.
- The Board is considering ways to increase and improve parking for boats.
Dredging Update
- The latest dredging of the inlet channel is completed. Until an engineering firm can propose a long term solution for retention of sand on the beach, a short term solution involving pulling some of the sand further back and installing a snow fence is desired. The Board voted to add $5,000.00 via change order to the existing contract with Docks of the Bay to relocate sand and install a snow fence.
(Posted 12/29/2020)