Jim Amery has agreed to lead a volunteer facilities working group for the Association. Jim and those of you who would like to volunteer will help identify projects that are needed to maintain or improve our facilities, and organize volunteers to help get the work completed. Some past examples are the removal of the old walkway at Glebe Harbor Beach, the construction of the access ramp at Cabin Point Beach, and the refurbishment of the Picnic Pavillion. Others include maintenance of trees and shrubs at the clubhouse, weed control at the tennis courts, upkeep of the boat parking facilities, and replacement of the hose hydrant at the Glebe Harbor boat ramp. Going forward, there will be a combination of volunteer projects and planning for efforts that may require professional help.
The group will work with the Director for Facilities on priorities, funding requirements, and coordination with County and other external groups as needed.
If you would like to help out, or become part of the working group itself, please call or text Jim at 703 622 0615.
(Posted 8.25.20)