Update 3: Notification of Possible Covid-19 Exposure at the GH-CP Pool 7.21.2020
On Monday, July 20, you received two notices from us regarding possible Covid-19 exposure at the GH-CP Pool. The person who tested positive for Covid-19, along with other family members, visited our community between July 3 and July 12. The family, along with another family who accompanied them, are from out of state. After returning home, one individual tested positive, and all other members of both families tested negative.
The Virginia Department of Public Health (VDH) advised the County that the pool is a very low-risk environment and there is little likelihood of any remaining virus after the passage of time since the visit occurred. It is also not possible to know if the individual was infected at the time of the visit. The exposure could have occurred elsewhere or at another time. Given that information, we are completing cleaning and disinfecting of the pool facility today. We plan to reopen the pool on Wednesday, July 22.
In addition to the general notices sent to our community members, we are sending individual notices to all members whose access cards were used at the pool between July 3 and July 12. Last night, about 73 property owners were notified by email; the balance of property owners who do not permit email notification will be notified by text or phone or USPS. Again, we urge property owners to provide email addresses to us to assure we can promptly notify them of matters related to Association and Sanitary District business. You can update your email address information and permissions by contacting the office at 804-472-3646 or at ghcpassoc@gmail.com.
Westmoreland County is part of the Three Rivers Health District of VDH. Even in this health district, the number of cases is rising. At one time, this district was averaging 17-20 cases per week. Over the past four weeks, these numbers started rising—39 new cases; then 50 new cases; then 100 new cases; and then 83 new cases. It is important to understand that what we see today reflects what the virus was doing 1-2 weeks ago, corresponding to the virus incubation period following exposure. The increase in cases nationally and regionally poses a threat to our rural jurisdictions. The virus is present, it is surging, and most of us remain susceptible to infection. We can protect ourselves and each other from exposure and transmission by maintaining social distancing, wearing face coverings, avoiding long periods in crowded places near others, and washing our hands regularly. We may tire of hearing these things, but they are the actions that can best help us stay well and stay safe. If you have any further questions, please contact us at ghcpassoc@gmail.com. Thank you.
Jeanne Axtell, President, GHCP Association
Bill Spencer, VP for Operations and Facilities, GHCP Association
(Posted 7.21.20)