Highlights from the July 13 Board of Directors Meeting
Pavilion – You may have noticed the sparkling, newly renovated picnic pavilion. Renovations are nearly complete and the pavilion hasn’t looked this good in years. Some electrical work and pressure washing of the concrete floor remain to be done. Many limbs and other debris have been removed. Many thanks go to volunteers Jim Amery, Dana Tucker, Bob Dunn, Jimmy Moss, and Jean Paul Delort. Great job!
Pool – As the summer progresses and many of our lifeguards return to school, we may need to alter hours of operation. If you can help by volunteering to help check in members using the pool, please contact Bill Spencer at wtspencer3@gmail.com.
Money Matters – The Association has learned of a funding source designed to help pay for our shoreline management and beach preservation. We have submitted an application to the Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund. Fingers crossed that they accept us as these are big ticket items. Best of all, this involves no change to the current annual RUF.
Clubhouse – While we are in Phase III of the Governor’s re-opening plan, the clubhouse is open for official business only and not for rentals or other purposes. Watch for upcoming announcements regarding the General Membership Meeting currently planned for August 22nd at the Clubhouse.
(Posted 7.17.20)