Memorial Day Updates for our GHCP Neighbors and Members.
Current Virginia Coronavirus Guidance. On Friday, May 15, Virginia entered Phase I of the Governor’s “Forward Virginia” plan to ease public health restrictions in the Commonwealth, except in certain localities in Northern Virginia and the Richmond area. Westmoreland County is moving into Phase I currently. Under Phase I, the stay-at-home order has been modified to “safer at home,” especially for vulnerable populations. Phase I also mandates that there be no social gatherings of more than 10 people, that social distancing guidelines be followed, and that face coverings be recommended in public.
Recreational Facilities in Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point. We continue to plan to reopen the clubhouse and the pool as conditions permit, consistent with emerging national, state, and local guidelines, the safety of users and staff, and good stewardship of our resources. Our goal is to make facilities available, and count on our members who then choose to use them to follow whatever guidelines are recommended to keep themselves and the community safe.
Here is a quick update on access to recreational facilities in Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point, in anticipation of the upcoming Memorial Day weekend.
Waterways, Boat ramps, and Beaches: The waterways and beaches in the GH-CP community remain open for exercise, fishing and recreation, and the two boat ramps remain open for launching and hauling out watercraft.
Waterways. The community creeks are navigable, although the inlet channel at Cabin Point Creek is narrow. The channel markers used to mark the internal channels in Cabin Point Creek are now in place to facilitate navigation. Again, please stay in the channel as depth is quite low outside the channel and close to the marsh area.
If you are entering or exiting Cabin Point Creek, be on the lookout for new gill fish nets that have been set up outside the inlet channel. They are not easy to see even in daylight and are not well-marked. If you are returning from the Potomac River into the Lower Machodoc, especially at dusk, they may be quite difficult to see.
Maryland has lifted the restrictions on recreational boating on the Potomac River, so boaters may now engage in fishing and recreational boating in both Maryland and Virginia waters as long as social distancing guidance is followed aboard the vessel.
Beaches: The four community beaches are open and available for use for exercise, fishing, and recreation. Owners and residents are urged to follow social distancing guidance while on the beaches. At Cabin Point Beach, the groin repair project is expected to start next week. Please exercise care when walking the beach and using the temporary stairs to get off the wooden walkway and onto the beach.
Clubhouse and Pool: During Phase I, the suspension of all scheduled meetings, activities, and events at the Clubhouse continues. The Clubhouse office is open for business, if you need access cards, trailer decals, or storage spaces. Office hours are variable, so please call 804-472-3646 to confirm hours or make an appointment with Teresa Edwards.
THE POOL WILL NOT BE OPEN for the Memorial Day weekend or while Westmoreland County remains at Phase I of the Governor’s reopening plan. However, we are continuing work to prepare the pool for opening later this summer if State and County Administration and public health authorities permit. We expect that, if we can open, there will be restrictions on how many people may be admitted and social distancing and other public health guidance to be followed. We will keep you informed as these decisions are made and post updates to the website (
Thank you.
Jeanne Axtell, President, GHCP Association
(Posted 5.18.2020, Updated 5.21.2020)