The GH-CP Community Membership Directory has been posted on this website in the password protected Documents section under the “About Us” tab.
- Phone numbers, addresses and email addresses were obtained from the most recent Owner Information Form submitted.
- Owners who indicated that they did not want to be included in a directory and owners who did not return an Owner Information Form are not included.
- The Directory itself is a compliation of useful information about the Community, the GHCP Assocation, the Sanitary District, and both Civic Assocations. The Member Information appendixt contains an alphabetical list of owners with their contact information, including the mailing address. The Property Information apppendix is an alphabetical listing of owners with information on the properties they own.
- Updates will be made to the Directory and appendicies as needed and will refelected on the cover of the directory and at the bottom of each page in the appendicies.
This directory has been compiled for the convenience and exclusive use of Glebe Harbor-Cabin Point Association Members. This directory is not to be copied, sold, or distributed in any way to non-members. (Posted 9.1.2019)