Summary of the July 8, 2019 GHCP Association Board Meeting
No community concerns were submitted in advance of the meeting and no members attended.
The Pilot of Pool Use before Normal Operating Hours began on Monday, June 17 as planned. The pilot has been successful with a few members using the pool before hours. We will continue the pilot and reassess in another 30 days.
The “Friends of the Pool” hosted a well-attended ice cream social on July 4th. Our next Howl at the Moon Party (HATM) will be on Saturday, July 13 and will include a cookout. We have planned for 6 pool parties this year and NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS to assure that we can hold the remaining events–August 17 (Teacher Appreciation Day, pool open until 10pm), and August 31 (our end of the season Labor Day Weekend cookout.) If you’d like to volunteer, please text Dot Spencer at 410 491 7400.
The plans to complete connecting the clubhouse and pool bathhouse to the sewer system are moving forward with one bid received. We are awaiting other bids.
Navigational signs have been ordered to replace missing or damaged markers in Glebe Creek, Weatherall Creek, and Cabin Point Creek. The Association is responsible for maintaining the red and green navigation signs on the channel markers into our community creeks. Once installed, we will again be fully compliant with U.S. Coast Guard requirements.
The next GHCP Association General Membership meeting will be on Saturday, August 24, at 9:30. With many new members and new owners and residents, we will be hosting a meet and greet with coffee and other beverages and pastries prior to the beginning of the meeting. Doors open at 8:45 am and the business meeting will begin promptly at 9:30 am. Please come early to mix and mingle for a bit, meet your neighbors, new and returning board members. We look forward to seeing you all there. (Posted 7.18.19)