Highlights on the GHCP Association Annual Meeting 6.8.19
- Special Guest C. M. Smith of the Westmoreland County Sheriff’s Office addressed resident concerns about recent incidents in the community. It turns out that in the first 5 months of 2019, 4 crime-related calls were received from GHCP. Two were burglaries apparently committed by one person who has since been arrested. The “shots fired” call was a resident who was responding to one of the burglaries. The fourth was a case of telephone fraud. To put that in perspective, Lt. Smith told us there had been 20,230 calls for service county-wide, but only 130 calls or .6% were from GHCP. On balance, GHCP is one of the safest communities in the county.
- Election of Directors: The nominating committee presented their recommended slate of candidates: Fred Selby, Harriet Dixon, and Mardie Amery. Dana Tucker was nominated from the floor. Fred, Harriet, and Mardie were elected.
- Report of the 2019 Member Survey: Across the board, even members who do not themselves make much use of the amenities, generally rated the amenities as important to them personally, and of greater overall importance to the community. Shoreline and waterway issues such as curbing erosion at the CP beaches, maintaining dredging permits, connecting the clubhouse to the sewer, and repairing and maintaining the clubhouse portico were the top priorities.
- Capital Improvement Plan: Inclusion in the plan is not a decision to fund or implement any project. Inclusion does allow the SD to apply for grants and other sources of funding that would not otherwise be possible. Our CIP items will be included in the County CIP when it goes to the County Planning Commission for review and to the County Board of Supervisors for consideration. There will be notices of public hearings at both stages. The 6 items included are:
- Cabin Point beach groins—repair/extend/replace
- Erosion control for all Cabin Point beaches
- Maintenance Dredging of Cabin Point Creek inlet channel
- Resurfacing of driveways and parking lots
- Maintenance dredging of Weatherall Creek inlet channel
- Exterior renovation of clubhouse
- Slides from the meeting have been posted.
(Posted 6.17.19)