At the December 2018 General Membership meeting of the GHCP Association, we announced that we would form a work group to look into the opportunities that might be available to the Association, and to the Glebe Harbor Civic Association and the Cabin Point Civic Association, if there were changes to the how these three community associations are organized and how they might increase their level of collaboration and mutual support for the benefit of all.
The GHCP Association was charged with leading this effort. After further consideration of what might be involved in addressing this issue and the priorities currently facing the GHCP Association, we decided to table a joint undertaking on this issue for now. The time of the GHCP Association’s volunteer board members needs to be focused on more immediate priorities.
While the GHCP Association is not able to engage on this project now, we expect the civic associations will continue to work together on issues of mutual interest, as they have been doing for some time. We encourage their continued engagement in these efforts. Where those interests intersect with those of the GHCP Association, we expect they will invite the GHCP Association to participate with them in addressing community-wide matters of interest. (Posted 5.31.19)