As noted in the March 20, 2019 letter to all members of the GH-CP Association, the Board of Directors submitted the proposed operating budget for the next fiscal year to the County Administrator. This proposed budget is based upon a revenue level derived from a RUF of $200 per year per lot. It funds current levels of operating expenses and includes a very minimal provision for any unforeseen expenses or capital maintenance expenditures.
The County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the proposed County budget for the FY 2019 to 2020 on April 22, 2019. No change in the level of RUF is proposed for the GH – CP Sanitary District budget for the upcoming year. The Association’s Board of Directors remains deeply concerned that the current level of funding for the Sanitary District is not enough to adequately maintain the recreational facilities nor to provide the standard of continuing care that property owners expect for recreational amenities in our community. Our reservations have been communicated to the County Administrator and through him to the Board of Supervisors. We will continue to work closely and collaboratively with the community members and the County government to develop and implement an appropriate strategy for maintenance of these critical recreational assets. (Posted 4.15.19)