Highlights of the January 7, 2019 GHCP Association Board Meeting


There were no community members present.

Treasurer’s Report:  Westmoreland County is anticipating $262,800 will be paid by Sanitary District lot owners for FY 2018-19.  As of December 31, 2018 $237,319.00 (90.3%) has been paid; 42% of 2018 delinquencies have been paid.

 Pool Refurbishment: Demolition is complete. Additional problems have been discovered (replacement of some fittings and repair of leaking pipes) that will add $4200 to the cost.

 Erosion at CP Beach: Significant erosion at CP beach continues and soon could undermine the cul de sac at the end of Royal Way. The County has been called. Norm Risavi will ask VDOT to see if the roadway can be shored up.  We still have some remaining bond funds designated for waterways and shoreline management and will proceed to obtain permits and design work to deal with beach erosion.

 GH beach: The old walkway is unsafe and an eyesore. We will seek County help with costs to either repair/replace it or tear it down completely.

 Budget and Capital Improvements 2019-2020: The cost of pool refurbishment, normal operating expenses, and debt service will very little money for projects.

 Member Survey:  A survey is still planned to learn which projects/facilities are most valued and how the membership would prioritize our needs.  The results will be shared with the County as part of capital planning and funding.  We will also try to utilize mailed formal meeting notices to include additional information for those not allowing us to communicate with them by email.

 Pool Use:  We have had a couple of outside requests to use our pool for (a) a school STEM submarine project needs a place for testing before a competition in March, and (b) School and YMCA sponsored  swim lessons for second graders.  We would like to support these projects depending upon the time frame of the refurbishment work.

 Board Meeting Schedule for 2019: Due to a variety of conflicts, we will probably change the Board regular meetings to the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm. Meeting dates will be posted.


 Following the Board meeting, changes in the information reported occurred.

Pool Refurbishment: The additional pool refurbishment project costs are now increased by $9,997.50.  These costs include refurbishment of the wading pool, in addition to the approximately $4,200 costs reported in the minutes.  The County Administrator briefed the BOS at its January 14 meeting on the increased costs and modification of the contract to cover these costs.  The BOS approved the increased expenditure.

Erosion at the main CP Beach:  The erosion at the north end of the main CP Beach is now affecting the substructure of the road way at the cul-de-sac at the end of Royal Way.  The County sent an engineer out twice this week and a formal request has gone to VDOT to review the situation and propose an approach to mitigate the damage.  The damage is occurring within the VDOT easement (potentially making it VDOT’s responsibility to repair) and includes soil erosion of the bank and exposure of cables within the utility easement of the roadway.

The next Association Board meeting will be held on February 11, 2019 at 6:30pm at the clubhouse.

(Posted 1.19.2019)