Important Upcoming Dates:
- The next General Membership Meeting is Saturday, December 1, 2018, and 9:30am, in the Clubhouse, 751 Glebe Harbor Drive. All members are encouraged to attend.
- Monthly Association Board meetings are open to all members. The next meeting is January 14, 2019, at 6:30pm in the clubhouse. It will begin with a Community session to hear your thoughts, concerns, and questions, after which you may choose to attend the business meeting as an observer.
Community Concerns: Two members attended the 11.12.2018 Community Concerns session. Concerns were expressed about maintenance and repair work at community facilities that is commonly done by volunteers and other persons who do not have contractor licenses, and whether appropriate permits are being obtained and inspections conducted. Bill Spencer will review our procedures and contact the County for further guidance.
Highlights of Business Meeting:
Pool Project: Bids for refurbishment of the pool were opened on October 23. On November 5, the County announced that an error had occurred in the bidding process – the bid had not been published in the Westmoreland County News – and the process would have to be repeated. The new deadline for bids is November 23, 2018.
Channel Markers: Two channel markers are missing from Ames Creek and the Weatherall Creek channel, and some others are in bad shape. Spring replacement will be planned.
Request for Dance/Exercise Flooring at Clubhouse: Some members have requested or recommended installing laminate flooring in part of the exercise/pool room. This would facilitate dance and other forms of exercise, and be easier to keep clean than the existing carpet. Options are under discussion. If you have thoughts, please let us know them.
General Membership Meeting Notice: Official notices of the December 1, 2018 General Membership meeting have been sent out. We will post the budget letter, final agenda, and other materials on the web site as they are available.
2017 Reserve Study Update Status: Work continues to update the 2017 Reserve Study and to use it as input to the County Capital Projects planning system.
We.Are.Listening Link is not for emergency reporting: Recently a member used We.Are.Listening to report a safety concern regarding missing boards on the former access ramp to Glebe Harbor Beach. This link is solely provided to support members asking questions, registering suggestions or complaints and offering kudos for work well done. It is monitored regularly by volunteers, but not monitored 24/7.
If you have an emergency to report, please follow these steps:
- Call the Association office at 804-472-3646 to report health or safety issues or to ask questions needing timely response during regular office hours.
- If immediate action is needed after hours, please contact Bill Spencer, VP Operations by calling or texting him at 443-540-0413
- If the matter is life-threatening, call 911 first.
Workgroup on Organizational Structure Needs Formed: For quite some time, residents have questioned why there are three “Associations” in our community. Glebe Harbor and Cabin Point each have a Civic Association (primarily to maintain non-VDOT roads and enforce covenants) and the GHCP Association (responsible for recreational facilities.) It might be less confusing if they could be consolidated and it might take fewer people to do the work. But there are potential legal considerations, and many other factors to consider. A workgroup has been formed to look into the pros and cons of consolidation, and to report back to all three associations. Representatives from both civic associations and the GHCP Association have been identified, but a first meeting as not been scheduled. Jeanne Axtell and Jack O’Neil will represent GHCP Association; Buddy Axtell and Diane Lank the GH Civic Association; Marion Dongieux and Fran Beach, the Cabin Point Civic Association. Jocelyn Davis will facilitate the workgroup meetings. The status of this effort will be updated at the December 1 General Membership Meeting.