Summary of the July 16, 2018 GHCP Association Board Meeting

As part of the Association Board’s commitment to improving communications with members, we plan to post a brief summary of our Board meetings on our web site.  Here’s a summary of our most recent meeting:

The July 16, 2018 GHCP Association Board meeting began with our first Community Concerns session. Six residents attended to observe, ask questions or offer comments, and two others who could not attend contacted us by phone. Comments included appreciation for the opportunity to ​participate and the need to continue to improve communications across the community. Interest was expressed in what ​was ​required to ​be a golf cart community. ​Another concern was expressed about regulations concerning how water from the pool is discharged. ​ The board expressed interest in hearing directly from members without having a committee or group filter information.​ Toward that end, we will create another email address, perhaps WeAreListening@GHCPA, specifically for member input.

Highlights from the business meeting included:

  • The County anticipates a balance of approximately $23,000 from the bond used to ​finance​ the recently completed work at Weatherall Creek and Glebe Harbor Beach. Under the terms of the bond agreement, these ​remaining proceeds ​can only be used for​​ waterway​, beach, or boat ramp​-related work
  • Remaining projects in that category include ​maintenance ​dredging of Cabin Point Creek​ inlet channel​, maintenance of groins at the Cabin Point and Crystal Lane Beaches​,​ and repair of hazardous sinkholes and erosion at Crystal Lane Beach. ​We have a maintenance dredging permit for the Cabin Point inlet channel, but the work on the groins will require new design work and new permits. The board voted to ​proceed with ​asking the County to ​solicit bids for the ​design and permit application process​. ​
  • ​A​t Glebe Harbor Beach, the board voted to ​proceed with planning for an observation deck. The proposal is to remove the derelict portions of the existing structure and use existing pilings and perhaps some of the framing to construct a platform similar to the one at Cabin Point Beach.
  • At the pool, we are working with the County to scope out maintenance needs for the pool, to include tile repair, resurfacing/painting, and repair of concrete coping ​around the pool. We plan to close the pool after Labor Day this year, and hope to begin work shortly thereafter. ​ In response to the inquiry raised about disposal of pool water, we will work with the County to review our disposal methods.​
  • The Board approved updating the Reserve Study that was conducted two years ago. This assessment of our assets and the funding required to maintain them is a key tool in our planning process. The update will be completed this fall.
  • Back at Glebe Harbor Beach, the area that was once a small tidal pool is now essentially a ground water ​pond​ that has become a mosquito breeding spot. Because this is ​Association​ property and adjacent to the beach, the board voted to purchase sufficient Altosid XR Mosquito Control Briquettes to treat that area.
  • Volunteer support for community assets – The community has always relied on volunteers to make GHCP a great place to live. ​The Board appreciates the willingness​ of residents​ ​who​ have ​helped maintain the ​recreational facilities close to them. ​ At ​Crystal Lane, that includes​ neighbors ​mowing a pathway out to the beach area, ​helping ​to fill some holes, and ​volunteering to help spread soil or sand to deal with sinkholes. At G​lebe Harbor​ Beach, neighbors frequently trim and mow ​the field behind the beach area ​in between mowings scheduled by the ​Association. As a board we would like to support members of the community who have a​n interest in ​particular recreational facilities. We have ​a ​pool committee, for example, that can always use another hand. But if you have a particular interest – perhaps the playground, the nature trail, Cabin Point Beach, the waterways, the clubhouse, tennis courts – whatever it might be – please contact us at GHCPA​​, or contact any board member directly.

Association Board meetings are open to all members. The next meeting is August 13, 2018, at 6:30pm in the clubhouse. It will begin with a Community Concerns session to hear your thoughts, concerns, and questions, after which you may choose to attend the business meeting as an observer.