Notice of Annual Meeting and Election of Directors

Notice of Annual Meeting and Election of Directors
This letter provides notice of the Annual Meeting and Election of Directors of the Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point Association, Inc., that will be held on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at 9:30 am.  The meeting will be held at the Clubhouse located at 751 Glebe Harbor Drive, Montross, VA  22520.  The purpose of the meeting is to meet our new District #2 Supervisor to the Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors, to update the general membership on current business of the GHCP Association, and to elect persons to fill Board of Director positions.

We will be privileged to hear from our new Election District #2 Supervisor, Jeffrey A. McCormack (Jeff).

The Board of Directors will offer a slate of potential Board Members for the membership to vote on and nominations can also be provided from the floor.  The names of those on the slate and short biographies will be available prior to the meeting.

Come in Person or Send your Proxy.  We urge you to attend the June 8th meeting in person.  If you cannot attend, we urge you to complete the attached proxy form and submit it to Barbara K. Cole, Secretary, GHCP Association.  Proxies are used to establish a quorum for the conduct of business meetings and to vote on matters brought before the membership for consideration.

All proxies must be received by the Association Office no later than Saturday, June 1, 2024.  Proxies may be submitted in person or by mail to the Clubhouse address, or by email to   Be sure to fully complete the requested proxy information to assure your proxy is valid.  Please note that we are asking you to provide your legal mailing address, rather than your Glebe Harbor – Cabin Point address.  This will help facilitate the proxy validation process.  As provided by Virginia law, all proxies are subject to validation by the Secretary.  Proxies received after June 1st will not be considered valid for use at the June 8th meeting and no proxies will be accepted at the door on the meeting day.

Fred Selby, President, GHCP Board
On Behalf of the Board