The purpose of this article is to remind and clarify how our Association communications process is designed to work and encourage your participation.
Once upon a time, GHCP relied on Glennet for on-line communications to our members. Since then, a long list of volunteers has collaborated to create a robust communications strategy and process, including our web site, a system of mailing lists, email subscriptions based on interests, and links to partner Facebook pages.
Our web site ( is the primary source and repository of official records of the Association and Sanitary District, along with related postings from or endorsed by the Association. The web site also hosts a series of postings –NEWS- with articles and updates on topics of community interest. These are posted as input is submitted, and links to them are included in our monthly GHCP NEWS emails. Web site content is always available for reference, but members must sign on and “pull” posted information.
We also “push” some information to our members. Our master subscriber list includes all email addresses provided by members who have given us permission to communicate with them by email. They all receive our monthly NEWS emails, official notice of membership meetings as required by our bylaws, and emergency notifications of events such as storms that threaten the community.
Members also have the option to subscribe to email threads on specific areas of interest to them. The Happenings subscription was created to “push” announcements of Association events that had for years been sent out on Glennet. Every Friday, Happenings emails push out short notices about upcoming events and occasionally summaries of recent past events to subscribers.
Any member can submit a request for a Happenings notice for any Association sponsored event, or an item for NEWS to for review and posting. Most Happenings postings are meetings, events, or social activities. They should be short, so readers can easily find topics of interest to them. If a posting isn’t about a meeting or event, or if it conveys lots of information or will be of interest for more than a few weeks, it probably deserves a NEWS posting with that information. That way, the information (and updates) will be available on the web site and can be linked from Happenings, Facebook, or personal emails.
If you’re not sure how to proceed, please contact the office or contact Barbara Cole, Director for Communications ( or Bill Spencer (
While the Association actively encourages members’ questions, comments, and suggestions, we do not have an interactive forum. We do have our own Facebook page ( and we have partnered with Kelly Rudnick’s Glebe Harbor & Cabin Point Owners/Residents Group . It’s open to all property owners and residents in GHCP. When discussions raise questions for which there is useful information on our web site, we encourage users to respond with links to our postings. That allows open discussion and personal opinions, and shares Association policies and perspectives while controlling our content, so as things change, we can keep our information up to date.
posted 02.06.24