New Pool Rules – Kathy Gold and Brittany Cousins met with the Board to discuss changes to the current pool rules to enhance the safety of swimmers in the deep end. Those rules are posted on the website and elsewhere in the newsletter.
Beach Clean-Up Day – Debbie Dever will be organizing a clean-up day for our beaches on July 1st. See the Water Waze article for details.
Nominations Committee – The Nominations Committee has proposed the following slate of candidates for election on June 10th: Jeanne Axtell (incumbent), Barbara Cole (incumbent), and Deborah Dever.
Office Assistant – Candidates are scheduled for interviews. Update: A candidate was selected. See the article welcoming the new Office Assistant.
Member Survey – We had the largest response ever to our annual survey. Bill Spencer will be providing a presentation on the results at the Annual Meeting on June 10th.
posted 5.31.23