GH-CP Sanitary District Budget and Recreational User Fee Increase Approved — Update
At the Annual Meeting on June 11, we advised members that the Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors had proposed an increase in the GH-CP Sanitary District Budget and the Recreational User Fee (RUF) for FY 2022-2023. On June 13, at their regularly monthly meeting, the Board of Supervisors approved the proposed $15/year increase in the RUF and approved the GH-CP Sanitary District budget at $286,948.
The RUF is now set at $215/lot/year. Property owners will see the new RUF amount as a separate line item on the real estate tax bill sent out this fall and which are due to the County on December 5.
The GH-CP Sanitary District experienced a 15.1% inflation rate over the past 4 years. The $15 increase in the RUF will off-set less than half of the increased costs associated with the 15.1% inflation rate. While the Association board favored consideration of a larger increase in the RUF to deal with the impact of inflation, we fully supported approval by the Board of Supervisors to set the RUF at $215 per year and the budget at $286,948.
The Association board, as always, will closely monitor operational expenses and deferred maintenance needs based on facility use and service expectations of property owners. We will keep the County Administrator and Board of Supervisors apprised of emerging changes impacting future budget requests, and work with them to assure the recreational assets of the community are maintained in good working order for the benefit and use of property owners.